Moving Rotational Vane for CHF enhancement by vortex generation

  • 3D-printed rotational mixing vane adoption in subchannel
  • Modeling and validation of flow-induced motion for fluid structure interaction (FSI)
  • Evaluation of mixing performance enhancement by rotational mixing vane
  • Centrifugal force of swirl provides bubble detachment from cladding surface, with CHF enhancement and rotational motion reduces pressure drop
  • Enhancement of the safety margin and power uprate for PWR


  1. H.E. Park, I. C. Bang*, “Mixing Performance and Pressure Drop Evaluation for Flow-Driven Rotational Mixing Vane in Subchannel”, Proceedings of NUTHOS12, October 14-18, Qingdao, China, 2018.
  2. H. Seo, S. D. Park, S. B. Seo, H. Heo, I. C. Bang*, “Swirling performance of flow-driven rotating mixing vane toward critical heat flux enhancement”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 89, pp. 1216-1229, 2015.